Thursday, March 15, 2018

Battle of the Bands:Crazy Train

Welcome to the Ides of March version of Battle of the Bands. I hope it isn't an epic fail. Of course I could go Irish with St. Patrick's day approaching. Irish would balance it out with luck.

Well come aboard the "Crazy Train"..

Don't vote for Ozzy. I have some other "crazy" contenders..

Contender One

Well, for St. Patrick's Day and in my favorite Virginia Band "Carbon Leaf"

Contender Two

Keeping it crazy, how about a country bluegrass version from The Gravel Spreaders

Vote for the one you like the best Carbon Leaf Vs The Gravel Spreaders in the comments. I tally the results in a week (or 2 or so) and announce the winner in another post.


  1. Hi, MIKE!
    I won't lie to ya, Brother -- as soon as I saw the song title, I kind of cringed a little bit. I'm just not a fan of Ozzy and not a fan of this song.

    But I was pleasantly surprised and entertained by that second version. THE GRAVEL SPREADERS put a smile on my face and made me almost feel as if I'd just somehow been transported to a twisted version of MAYBERRY in a parallel universe. That was fun. Thanks!

    ~ D-FensDogG
    STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

  2. I did not like Crazy train at all. I felt he was off key and actually sounded like a band you hear in a no name bar but I liked the Bluegrass take. It was fun to listen to the 2nd one so they get my vote

  3. Interesting versions!

    The first guys had a catchy tune.

    I didn't like the way the 2nd one started.

    But overall, I found myself being drawn to the 2nd one more than the first one.


  4. I don't know what it is, but I like this better as a country or bluegrass tune than as a Goth rocker. It might be because I heard it hundreds of times because it was Chipper Jones's "walk-up music" all the years he was in Atlanta.

    I like both the contestant versions about equally, but the one by The Gravel Spreaders was just a little better, so they get my vote here.

  5. This is a song that I like. I'd thought about doing this one someday myself.

    I like both of these versions a lot. The Gravel Spreaders deliver a strong solid performance--I love their treatment of the song.

    But my own preference would lean more toward what Carbon Leaf delivers so that's where my vote goes.

    That was a tough competition for me.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  6. Hey, Carbon Leaf, where have you been hiding? Love that version and that is saying something, because Ozzie OWNS this song.

    Good battle, my friend!


  7. Mike,

    I don't listen to Ozzy, so this is a new song to me. I felt The Gravel Spreaders delivered an over-all better sound to my ears. Why? I can't tell you other than I enjoyed it the most. Cool battle!

  8. Hey Mike, these are two really great covers of Crazy Train! I liked both. I heard the first one and figured I'd be going with them. I liked their spin on it. But then the Gravel Spreaders started and they won me over. Not only their sound but I liked their attitudes: they seemed like they were really having fun and I bet they'd be a hoot to party with... :)
    I especially liked their beginning (ca-caw...)
    Give my vote to those Gravel dudes.
    Cool battle.

    Michele at Angels Bark
