Sunday, February 11, 2018

Monday's Music Moves Me: Valentine Edition

Monday is here! Valentine's Day is coming up.

Image result for valentines day graphics

I'm participating in this week's Monday's Music Moves Me blog hop. You can get details here.

Are you ready? Are you in the mood? I'll try to make my picks with something for everybody.

Let me start with Frank Sinatra..."My Funny Valentine"

David Bowie singing "Valentine's Day"...

Paul McCartney "My Valentine"...

To those who aren't a fan of Valentine's Day, well "Love Stinks"

Thank you J. Geils Band for providing the last song. Well I hope you have a great Monday and a wonderful Valentine's Day. 


  1. The sound on my computer isn't working so I had to use my memory - and I only knew a couple of these. Love Stinks! You made my entire day!! Seriously, there are many people who dread the Hallmark assault of this made up holiday, it was the perfect selection.

  2. Mike,

    The only song I knew in today's mix is "My Funny Valentine", so I thank you for the introduction of the others. I especially enjoyed the songs by David Bowie and Paul McCartney. Have a great week and thanks for joining the 4M on the dance floor, my friend!

  3. Great choices, I love Frank Sinatra.And I think everyone like Love Stinks at some point in their lives :)

  4. What wonderful classic songs. Nothing beats a little Frank. Thanks for sharing all of them.

  5. Good choices, especially the last one.

  6. Hi Mike!

    I wasn't familiar with the David Bowie tune, but it's perfect for the setlist :) Awesome songs, and one can never hear 'Love Stinks' too many times!

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  7. I have seen the inclusion of "Love Stinks" a couple of times today. I suppose it is true for many! lol
    Your set is really great. I love Frankie Baby!

    Come visit when you can.


  8. Loving your line up my friend especially David Bowie! Frank Sinatra was definitely a crooner in his day! Never heard/saw Paul McCartney's tune/video! Dang, I didn't know Johnny Depp knew sign language. Very cool & definitely interesting. That last tune you rocked the house my friend... Thanks for turning it up! YOU SO ROCK! Thanks for celebrating with us & savin' me a dance! ~hehehe~

  9. Hey Mike,
    Perfect kickoff to this post with Frank Sinatra! I never heard David Bowie's or Paul McCartney's valentine songs so that was cool.
    And I'm all about the last one. J Giles said it all: LOVE STINKS! My sentiments exactly! :)

    great post.
    Hope you had a great Valentine's week. It's over for another year...
    Have a good weekend,

    Michele at Angels Bark

  10. Absolutely perfect choices, Mike! Loved them all! :)
