Sunday, January 28, 2018

Monday's Music Moves Me: Birthday Episode

It's time for Monday's Music Moves Me..

Today's Spotlight Dancer for Monday's Music Moves Me  is Catch my Words/J. Lansky! CONGRATS!  She has asked if we could all say Happy Birthday to her little girl Erica who is turning 25 yrs. old & her theme is presenting songs about birthdays or pertaining to kids growing up & being young & beautiful!

As Casey Kasem would state our first long distance dedication, is the classic hit from those four lads from England with "Birthday"

Now for something more contemporary from Katy Perry "Birthday"

My finally is from The Innocence Mission "Happy Birthday, Beautiful"

Thanks for visiting! I will be back soon with another Monday's Music Moves Me post but feel free to visit anytime as you never know what you might find.


  1. Great minds, we picked two of the same songs - and you just introduced me to a new group I had never heard of, the Innocence Mission. Rock on!

  2. Great songs. I heard a couple that I have never heard before. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Mike,

    The Katy Perry vid cracked me up. What fun! I'm sure you're gonna bring some smiles to folks faces today, especially the birthday girl. :D

  4. Thanks for Erica's birthday wishes; however, I couldn't get the first song to play. :( The others were great, though! I wasn't familiar with these songs. Erica said, "This is cute. I like seeing all the blogposts about my birthday!"

  5. So fun! That Katie Perry video is hilarious! I had no idea she had that type of personality to crash all those parties.
    Never heard the last one.
    Couldn't get the first one to play but it looks like the one that I posted and as of just checking, it's still playing.

    Have a good week,

    Michele at Angels Bark
