Monday, January 1, 2018

2018:A New Year

Today was back to work day. Nothing like a 10 hour shift to bring you back to reality after yet another crazy road trip spanning 11-states this time. I rang in the New Year by pulling over into a gas station off the highway and listening to a random radio station pronounce it was 2018. 105 minutes later I as home.

Work was slow. I found out my schedule will be changing again. Change is the constant. 2017 changes to 2018.

What is on tap for this blog in 2018? There are things I wanted to blog about in 2017 that I will probably write about in 2018. There will be events and things that will happen in 2018 that I will ant to blog about. I will probably do the bloghops like the Battle of the Bands, maybe more Monday's Music Moves Me posts, and if I stumble to any interesting one off hop I might join in. Come Spring, I will more than likely participate in the A to Z Challenge.

As for me what are my plans for 2018? I plan to read about 30 books. Hopefully fish more. Schedule change at work will probably cut down on the travelling plans. Though I am sure I will probably visit some interesting places. I will probably see some interesting concerts. But really no big plans just looking to see where 2018 will take me.

1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    Sending you warm wishes for God's blessings of good health, happiness, and success be with you throughout 2018. Also, here's to another fun year of mewsic and friendship! Happy New Year!
