Monday, December 18, 2017

Monday's Music Moves Me: A Week Before Christmas

It is Monday and time for the Monday's Music Moves Me blog post. This month is Christmas/Holiday music. Last week I used a selection of songs I have used on my Battle of Bands Post and you can revisit that post here. My current Battle features a couple of interesting versions of Silent Night and there is still time to check it out and vote here.

Earlier this month we actually had snow, which is a rarity where I live..

Wasn't quite enough to make a snowman, so no "Frosty"

Probably my favorite Christmas song of all time.."Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer"

Soon Santa will come to visit..."Here Comes Santa Claus"

Well I hope you enjoyed the songs! They go well with a cup of Hot Cocoa, Coffee or Eggnog.
Thanks for the visit and come back soon!


  1. Very nice. You have some classics there which I like. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Great to hear Durante on "Frosty." Great set!

  3. LOVE your choices! I listened while I was wrapping presents! Thanks for the help & Merry Christmas! HUGS

  4. Mike,

    What great Christmas fun with these childhood favorites! Thanks for hitting the dance floor with the 4M gang. Have a joyful, blessed week! Sending Christmas wishes your way!

  5. Thanks for showcasing some of my childhood memories...which I still watch. Merry Christmas!

  6. Loved the Christmas songs! Parts of Alabama recently got a bit of snow, too, which is a rarity for here. Unfortunately, we didn't get any in Huntsville. I would have liked a snow day!

    Happy Holidays!

    Kim @ The ReInVintaged Life

  7. I dug out my Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer sweatshirt (bought at Montgomery Wards back when they existed) this year - haven't warn it in so many years and it was good to wear it and hear your classics. If you ever need more snow, give me a yell!
