Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Battle of the Bands:Blueberry Hill

Another month another battle of the bands. Like last month this one has a tribute theme to it as well. In honor of Fats Domino's I am picking Blueberry Hill. A song originally created by Vincent Rose, Larry Stock and Al Lewis in 1940 but Fat's had the hit which associated with him. Well, I am making it a three band battle this go around. Throwing the version where I first discovered this song from a bootleg I acquired back in the late 80s.

Contender One: Louis Armstrong

Contender Two: Glenn Miller Orchestra

Contender Three: Led Zeppelin

You know the drill vote for the one you like the best in the comments.


  1. Well, you got me on this, as I never knew the history of the song. Although Zeppelin's version is closest to what I am familiar with, I believe I'm choosing Armstrong's.

  2. Mike,

    WOW, how can three artists be so different than this? I'm giving my vote to Louie as I love that old vintage style and although Glenn Miller is definitely a stroll through time, I preferred Armstrong's vocals. Cool battle!

  3. An appropriate tribute Battle for Fats.

    The other versions are interesting, but for me it's Louis Armstrong hands down.

    Tossing It Out

  4. Very interesting battle, Mike!

    I'm going to vote for Louis Armstrong. Glen Miller was a close second choice, but Louis wins me over.


  5. How You, MIKE?

    Nice song choice considering Domino's recent passing on.

    IMO, this is really just a two-artist race, between Satchmo and Miller. And it's a good one. However, although The Glenn Miller Orchestra is my #1 all-time favorite musical act, I gotta admit that SATCHMO owns this. Heck, I would have even voted for Satchmo over Fats.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

  6. Love the song choice and a great tribute to Fats actually. I give it to Louis Armstrong who, I think, is one of the best vocalists never mind his great horn playing.

  7. I think I knew that the song was around long before Fats recorded it, but I'd never heard any recording of it from then.

    Anyway, I'll forget the Led Zeppelin version because it just seemed wrong. Of the two remaining ones, I much preferred Satchmo's vocal to whoever was singing for Glenn Miller. Louis Armstrong gets my vote.
