Monday, September 4, 2017

R.I.P Walter Becker

Guitarist, songwriter, musician and half of the legendary duo "Steely Dan" Walter Becker passed away yesterday ( 09/03/17) at the age of 67.

                                                 "Reelin' in the Years"

Perhaps my favorite Steely Dan tune is "Hey Nineteen"

Here is a solo song "Medical Science"

I was turned on to Steely Dan by a guitar teacher probably 25 years ago. There are connections to other musicians Larry Carlton, Michael McDonald and Boz Scaggs who were just minor degrees of separation from Steely Dan.

Performing "Josie" on Letterman, enjoy Walter Becker playing guitar..

The band left a catalog of amazing songs. May he rest in peace. I'll leave you with "Black Cow"

1 comment:

  1. This was a nice tribute to another musician who has passed away. So many this year...just like last year
