Friday, September 1, 2017

Battle of the Bands Results: Three Way Tie

I think I went away from everything I was ever advised to do on my last Battle of the Bands. Don't have the original band in the completion. I included them. Don't mix studio and live tracks. Phish was a live track.  Limit the choices to two, I had three. Of course some of those where from the days when Battle of the Bands was bigger. I miss a lot of those bloggers.

It would be neat to have a Battle of the Bands reunion. I know some have probably left blogging all together. Oh I digress and ramble into other things. The results that is what you want. A three way tie.

Little Feat "Rock and Roll Doctor"

Phish  "Lawn Boy"

Van Halen "Dreams"..

The Blue Angels are my neighbors and it features Sammy so it is a good pick for me.

I will be back on the 15th with a new battle. I have two weeks to think of something!


  1. I'd like to see some of the former participants return at least one more time--more if they could.

    There are no rules to BOTB, but some good guidelines. I guess it's worth experimenting with if that's what you really want to do. A three way tie is an interesting outcome. Not bad really I'd say.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. HOKEY-SMOKE! I could be mistaken, MIKE, but I'm thinking that might have been the first ever 3-Way BOTB tie! Good job, man! Mary is the one to ask about this being something new, as she's pretty much the official BOTB historian.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  3. Well, I have to say Phish is the one for me. I just really got into the music. Each performer was excellent with their instrument and I just really got into it so they get my vote
