Thursday, June 1, 2017

Battle of the Bands: In Memory Black Hole Sun

Last month the world lost some talented musicians. Even though I honored them with a tribute post, I a still remembering them in the Battle of the Bands.

How it works: I post two versions of the songs. You listen to the songs and let me know which one you thought was the best in the comments. I count up the votes and announce a winner at a later day which will be around June 7.

In honor of Chris Cornell, today's song comes from Soundgarden...

Ann Wilson

This one wasn't a tribute, but was done just a few days before his death...

Norah Jones

This one was a tribute..

Side note Norah's performance was at the same place Chris  had his last performance.

Vote in the comments I will be back with a winner.


  1. I'll go with Norah Jones on this. I just liked her vocal and style better.

  2. I've always loved Ann Wilson's voice, and I think that she delivers the right amount of grit that is needed for this song. On the other hand, Norah delivers a compelling tribute that is very moving. After listening to both twice, I'm giving my vote to Ann Wilson.


  3. This is another song I've had in waiting to use for a while. Now is a good time to feature this one in Battle.

    Norah's version is pretty good though I was not particularly fond of the intonation of her vocals. The arrangement was also a bit too draggy for me. Ann Wilson's vocal was better to my ears and I preferred the solid back up of the band of pro players.

    A vote for Ann Wilson.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  4. Mike,

    I can't keep up with the artists and celebrities who pass. It's amazing. I like Norah over Ann far better vocally. At times I couldn't tell if Ann was a guy or gal singing which I didn't like. I like being able to know what gender I'm listening to by the sound of the artists' voice. Please give my vote to Norah Jones.

  5. I prefer Ann Wilson over Norah because I prefer her voice better and she gave a tribute that was heartfelt without realizing what was going to happen. It seemed more true to me.
