Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is so much more than an unofficial start of summer or an excuse for a three day weekend. It should be a somber reminder of the cost of war or conflict. A somber reminder that cost is measured in more than dollar and cents.

The day should be a reminder to the world to strive for peace. It should be a reminder for politicians to remember the sacrifice of conflict.  It should be a reminder that when diplomacy fails there is a price to pay.

Today is a day to remember those who have served in the military and who are no longer with us. Especially those who died in service. The people we remember were neighbors, friends, family members, loved ones, parents, someone's mom or dad. Yes they were Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines. Ues they served in the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Navy and Marines. However, they were so much more. 

Some fall in the line of duty performing tasks, practicing, saving lifes, and just by performing dangerous tasks. Today is a day to remember them as well. 

Today is a day to remember their sacrifice and our Country's sacrifice. It is a day to pray and strive for peace. It is a day to remember and reflect.


  1. Amen, Mike! I wish they'd move it back to the thirtieth of May to get the focus off of the BBQ and beach and lake.
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  2. Always strive for peace, but honor those that will go to war if necessary.
