Monday, May 1, 2017

Battle of the Bands:The Cure longing for Friday

It's a rainy, dreary Monday here so maybe, Friday would be a better thought. Some of you may even have a love affair for Friday. I'm not here to judge! I'm just here to share a battle of the bands.

How it works: I post two versions of the songs. You listen to the songs and let me know which one you thought was the best in the comments. I count up the votes and announce a winner at a later day which will be around May 7.

The Song: The Cure "Friday, I'm in Love"

We don't vote on the original. We vote on the contestants.

Contestant One: Natalie Imbruglia

Contestant Two: Yo La Tengo

If you are interesting in visiting other Battles or interested in the Battle of the Bands please visit this site for the complete list and more information.

Please vote in the comments. 


  1. Hi, Mikey!

    I prefer female vocalists but, in this case, neither of these ladies gives the Cure much to worry about in the way of competition. Natalie I's version is too perky, too bubbly and too fast paced to suit me. It makes me nervous. That leaves the cover by Yo La Tengo which I definitely like more. The vocals are smooth and unpretentious and the arrangement is much more pleasing to my ears. Give my vote to Yo La Tengo, good buddy!

  2. Mike,

    It was raining earlier today. The wind is really ripping and I reckon more rain will fall before the evening ends. Believe it or not, I can't place this song but it was really a catchy fun tune. Natalie's style just didn't suit this song or my ear but I really enjoyed Contender #2's cover. I may even like it better than The Cure's original. Yo La's vocals were soothing and the slow tempo made me contemplate the words more plus I liked the country flavor of her song. Give my vote to Yo La Tengo!

    If you haven't yet please join me for 3 Way "Take It Easy" #BoTB showdown. Now I'm off to do a little A2Z catching up with you!

  3. I'm back and forth on this one as they both have something interesting to offer. But in the end I think I'm going to go with Yo Lo Tengo.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  4. Mike

    I don't think I've ever heard this one before, so I was able to listen to the contenders without any pre-conceptions. I preferred Natalie's version over Yo La Tengo. My vote goes to Natalie

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  5. I'm going to vote for Natalie Imbruglia here simply because I like the banjo breaks in the song.

  6. HiYa, MR. MIKE!
    Nice little ditty I'd never heard before.

    My bote definitely goes to NATALIE. I liked the uptempo perkiness of it, and as John mentioned, I also enjoyed the addition of the banjo. In fact, I prefer Natalie's version to the original.

    Yak Later...

    ~ D-FensDogG
    [Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  7. The second one was too limp for my was totally like a wet noodle so I give my vote to Natalie who seemed to give this song a little more oomph.
