Thursday, April 27, 2017

A to Z Challenge: Weir and back to the Deadheads

I was blown away when I went to my first Grateful Dead concert 25 years ago this Summer. The adventure of me working my way to the front row, the Steve Miller Band opening up, the special guests (Bruce Hornsby), the lights, the music and the fans. It was a magical event that happened each summer until Jerry Garcia passed away. I went to Furthur, Phil Lesh & Friends, but they fell short. There were some other versions that might be pretty cool including the current Dead & Company.

We had our separation. Then I heard Bob Weir released an album of Cowboy based songs. My first musical experience was old cowboy songs on vinyl.

I was ready for an evening of escape. I made the drive. There was even a small collection of vendors in the parking lot. Not as cool as I remember for the old Stadium shows, but something. I missed vendors.

Image may contain: one or more people, people on stage, people playing musical instruments, concert and night

The opening with just Bob and his guitar for a few songs was more intimate than any stadium show. His band was good with a strong Americana vibe to it.

Below he performs a couple days later at Wanee covering Little Feat..

Another from Wanee with his touring band "Cassidy"

"Playin' in the Band" a week earlier in Austin..

Yes a member of the Grateful Dead, not quite the same as the old shows, but a touch of magic. Just enough to send me back home.


  1. Never been to a Dead or any related concert. Actually never got deeply into their music though I appreciate it more than I used to. I do have several Dead albums though none by Weir in his solo efforts.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. Mike,

    The Grateful Dead is one of those bands I never got into but I do have a certain appreciation for those old hard rock groups. The one thing I can say for most of them is they can are excellent mewsicians and they can sing unlike many of today's artists. Thanks for visiting, Art Sketching Through the Alphabet "W" (Walking Dead & Waves). Have a good week!
