Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A to Z Challenge: Unbelievable the Woman's Basketball Championship

Continuing on in the A to Z Challenge, I am staying with college basketball this time I am going to write about the woman's tournament.

What was so unbelievable? UConn lost. The Huskies hadn't lost in a few years, they rolling along, and then boom they were upset. Then the team that upset them lost in the finals. That is unbelievable!

Above are highlights of Mississippi State upsetting Connecticut and snapping the Huskies 111-game win streak. That ride was amazing and I don't think anyone was thinking they would get upset. Nothing against the Huskies but I am glad they lost that kind of dominance wasn't good for the woman's game. It was like there was the Huskies and then everyone else. On the flip side I am sure they brought in some fans to the game as well.

Then in the finals the South Carolina Gamecocks took out the Mississippi State Bulldogs...

If you are a fan of woman's basketball are you glad UCONN's streak came to an end? Do you find it unbelievable that they lost? Do you find it unbelievable that South Carolina won their first championship?


  1. Uconn's streak was incredible and probably won't ever be beaten by any basketball team. But it was time they lost.

  2. I'm not a follower of sports but I was glad they finally lost. Like you, I have nothing against them... just time to give others a chance to play. (Plus, I work with a number of UConn graduates and they were getting unbearable. ;-p)

  3. I don't follow or play sports but my father is a huge sports enthusiast
    I can totally understand the emotions here

    A Peice Of My Life

  4. Not really a sports guy myself, but like others mentioned, it's probably good they finally lost. Though, it's ironic the people beating them lost in the end. Still good to have a change up. Plus, like Alex said, they still have that record, which isn't likely to be broken any time soon, if ever!

  5. Mike,

    Honestly, I'm not a fan of women's basketball. I hate watching sports of any kind where women act like guys. I prefer watching these types of activities with men. I'm old fashion in many regards and sports is one of them. Thanks for visiting, Art Sketching Through the Alphabet "U" (Unicorn). :)
