Friday, April 7, 2017

A to Z Challenge 2017: Fishing

It is a repeat topic from last year but hey it is what I do. Working out time to go fishing is the biggest challenge. Don't worry I will get my fish time in sometime. Squeezed in with other great adventures.

Even squeezed in a fishing trip this week. This was my view earlier this week..

Image may contain: cloud, sky, ocean, outdoor, water and nature

I did catch an interesting fish...

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, ocean, sky, outdoor, water and nature

It's called a Trigger Fish. The bite was slow and the fishing was disappointing. That happens.

So is a bad day fishing better than a good day at work? Sometimes. Even in rough seas, there is something relaxing about being on a boat. I did get to see a ton of dolphins. You don't get to do that in your cubicle. You have to realize there is more to fishing then catching fish. I've been lucky to see sea turtles and other cool things.

I did get a day to me. Still got back in time to pick up my daughter and go on a dinner date.

I did better at the catfish farm last month..

Image may contain: outdoor

Kind of cheating. But the sure thing of catching is good sometimes.

My boat trip squeezed between two stormy days may not of helped my efforts. However, looking at my calendar I had to go when I could make it work.

Stay tuned to my blog after the A to Z challenge, because I have been known to post a fishing post or two on here,


  1. So is that trigger fish edible? We've only fished on the Neches river or a lake.
    Perspectives at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  2. Yes, but it was out of season. It was returned to the Gulf of Mexico

  3. I do like eating fish, but I've only been fishing a few times in my life and those times were many years ago when I was still a teen.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out
