Friday, March 31, 2017

The Eve of A to Z

2017 Participation Badge!

It's the eve of the A to Z blogging challenge. If my math is correct this will be my seventh A to Z Challenge in a row. So my seventh time around, winging off A to Z challenge posts on the whims of my imagination. I don't pre-write, don't plan out the month I just write the posts.  The pre-writing and the planning might be sage advice. However, I do the challenge like I do my blog. What you see is what you get.

If your new, welcome! If your an old reader welcome back! It is going to be a challenge. My life has been busy. I haven't been blogging everyday and now I am going to have to shift gears. The beauty of the challenge is that some how it all works.  


  1. You've done all of the Challenges except the first if this will be your 7th. Pretty impressive! If you're not pre-writing then that's just fine. I think it's kind of exciting doing that way although I've always pre-scheduled posts mainly due to my sense of obligation to Challenge workings.

    Have fun in April! Hope you're still going to be doing the BOTB posts in April.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. Good luck! I haven't done any real pre-planning or writing either.
