Sunday, March 19, 2017

R.I.P Chuck Berry

Fitting I open my post with "Rock N' Roll" music as I write about te death of Chuck Berry.  Chuck Berry was a pioneer, perhaps one of the Fathers of Rock N' Roll. Sadden as a fan of his passing but 90 years is a long life for Rock N' Roll. The female singer was Etta James a legend in her own right.

Here is a vintage clip of "Johnny B. Goode"...

Here he is again with Keith Richards performing his classic "Nadine"...

"You Never Can Tell"


I could go on with classic song after classic song. What was your favorite Chuck Berry song? Did you see him in concert? Any favorite memories? He is a legend who will be missed.

1 comment:

  1. Never knew he and Etta performed together! Cool share, Mike. I never saw Berry live. Lots of fun, good times music in his repertoire! No doubt his legend and music will live on and on.
    Barbara in Caneyhead from
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead
