Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Battle of the Bands: Carlos Nunez Wins

In my return to the classical piece performed by a classical artist with a twist versus the Rock Star Battle of the Bands the classical artist won. I was happy it wasn't another Shut Out like my last Battle of the Bands.

The Battle of the Bands started out even through the first four votes. However, Carlos Nunez pulled away for a 6 to 2 victory.

How about some more from our winner Carlos Nunez?

Here he is with The Chieftains...

Something for St. Patrick's...

Something Celtic...

Now I have eight days to think of new Battle! Any suggestions? Well see you soon with a new post!


  1. So Carlos plays the Galician bagpipes! I thought he was getting more notes out of it than the nine you get with the warpipes.

  2. I figured bagpipes annoyed more people than that. But actually Carlos played pretty well.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out
