Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Battle of the Bands: The Doors win but results closer then you think!

The Doors were the bigger name and the clear favorite to win my Battle of the Bands. Sometimes these Battles look like they are going to be blowouts before I even push publish. Sometimes battles I think will be close end up being shutouts.

Stephen thought the results of my Battle of the Bands would be "a slam-dunk for THE DOORS!."  Battles The Battle ended up being a 4 to 3 nail biter with Quicksilver Messenger Service hanging tough.

"Celebration of the Lizard" (very long)

But I celebrate winners on BOTB result posts. It's "Love Street"

Bringing it back to my Black History Month Theme..The Doors with the great John Lee Hooker..

I think the real winner is Howlin' Wolf ...

Stay tuned for my next Battle on the 15th....


  1. My first intent was to vote for QMS, but then after another consideration I went back to my old fave The Doors. Really I could have gone with either and reversed your outcome. But the Doors it is.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. Yeah, MIKE, I'm surprised this wasn't a shutout. The Doors version is famous and really, really good. In my own personal opinion, I thought the QMS recording was a sloppy mess. So, to me, this had shutout written all over it. But then what the hell do I know?

    BOTB continues to be mysterious and full of surprises.

    ~ D-FensDogG
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