Monday, December 26, 2016

R.I.P George Michael

Even on Christmas musicians were not safe. George Michael passed away supposedly peaceful at his residence. The age makes it surprising since he was just 53, but they don't suspect foul play. I guess his time was just up. I guess your time can run out at any time, at any age, and even on a Holiday. He was in his musical prime in my youth. First in the group Wham! and then as a solo artist.

Since it is the Christmas season I will start off the musical tribute with "Last Christmas"...

Continueing with Wham! "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go"...

Do you remember "Careless Whispers"

Above George Michael with "Faith" and below with Elton John..

Certainly he left the world to young and he will be missed. Please feel free to leave your George Michael related memories or favorite songs in the comments. I will be back soon with a new post.

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