Saturday, October 15, 2016

Rocktober Battle of the Bands: Gets Wild

Rocktober rolls on at my blog. Time for another Battle of the Bands. I pick a song,  match up two competitors and then you pick the winner by your comments.

The 15th is coming to an end, there is a full moon, and it is time to get Wild.

The song is "Wild Thing" by The Troggs...

Contestant One: Sam Kinison

Contestant Two: Divinyls

Get wild and vote in the comments! If you like this battle check out the other ones. This site has the best list. See you in a week or so with results! 


  1. I was a Troggs fan back in the day and still like hearing them. "Wild Thing" is a real classic. Not much of a Sam Kinison fan though the delivery is good for what it is. Divinyls is much easier on my ears and sensibilities.

    A vote for the Divinyls from me.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. Happy Rocktober to you! ☺ "Wild Thing" is a personal favourite and I love the original. That said, I always got a kick out of Sam Kinison. He gets my vote because I was laughing all the way through his rendition. The Divinyls had some killer guitar riffs, though.

  3. I'll go with the Divinyls on this one. Sam Kinneson just didn't do it for me.
    Love the Troggs version best: no one does it like they do!

    Michele at Angels Bark

  4. Divinyls, all the way!

    I loved the Troggs' version, big time!

  5. Going to have to go with Sam Kinison here on this one. Fun battle!


  6. Wow... this is wild. Sam hurts my ears, so I'm voting for Divinyls, Mike.

  7. I never liked Sam Kinisen and thought he was irritating and never funny. Not sure I care for the video of a woman in a pit while being ogled by all the men.,...oh gosh I sound like such a feminist but I swear I'm not a Jesus freak or a man hating lesbian. I give it to Divinyls because it was an interesting take on a killer song and I just can't stand Kinisen.

  8. Love the original version of this song.
    As for the two contenders, I didn't know Sam Kinisen was a musical artists. Still don't know if that's true. I think he had some kind of potential to do hard rock songs, but this certainly didn't blow me away. But Divinyls, wow, I loved it. They certainly get my vote.
    Was the video from a film???

  9. Sam is a bit too scream it versus sing it for these ears. I'll take the Divinyls.

  10. I really don't much care for The Divinyls, so I really WANTED to vote for Sam Kinnison. But... I just can't. A little of him goes a very long way, and in this case, it just went way TOO long.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  11. Mike, this was an easy one for me. I liked The Divinyls the best stealing my vote after a few seconds of listening to this band. Sam Kinisen's screaming cover just didn't do much for me and I couldn't even listen to it all the way through. Have a tunetastic weekend, my friend!
