Monday, September 26, 2016

R.I.P Arnold Palmer

One of the world's greatest golfers has passed away at the age of 87. Arnold Palmer the seven time majors winning golfer and one of the first members of the World Golf Hall of Fame is the beloved golfer who passed away.

His game was peaking when television was becoming more popular.

 Here are some highlights....

Do you have any memories of Arnold Palmer? Feel free to share in the comments.


  1. My great-aunt Cash used to watch golf on TV all the time, and she loved Jack Nicklaus and couldn't stand Arnold Palmer. I never really had an opinion. He seemed like a nice enough guy when I saw him on commercials.

  2. I was saddened to hear this as well.

  3. A friend of mine grew up in the town in Pennsylvania where Palmer lived. She said that every year he gave a party at his estate and the entire town was invited. Now that's generosity and hospitality.

