Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Blog Update: Record Setting Month

It was a strange month for my blog. It went to worse month in four years in June for page views. Then in August I had the highest page views ever topping 3K for the month. I don't know the rhyme or reason. I am happy 800 people bother to visit my blog or 3K.

I like the page views. It is kind of kick "oh wow" I got three page views or whatever. My most successful posts are often surprises. I don't make money on my blog. I have attempted, but have pretty much given up hope.

To me is the comments are what's important to me. Especially the ones that hit how I feel, or suggest a new movie, book, or artist to check out. I'm probably pretty poor a responding to them. I have faults as a blogger. I have faults as a person too. I thank my followers for sticking with me.

On the flip side. I have used comments as inspirations for some of my Battle of the Bands post. I find I'm better with the comments when it relates to a bloghop of sorts. The April A to Z madness is  always fun.

September should be fun. I have a results post coming, anothet battle, and who knows what else. So thanks for reading and come back soon.


  1. Congrats on the views. It's nice when people are reading and responding. I, too, would love to figure out how to monetize my blog. Others do it, why can't we?

  2. Views and comments are what we live for as bloggers, yes? Congrats on having such a great month! As for monetizing, that's incredibly tough. In three years, I've made about 30 bucks, but I'm not willing to plaster multiple ads in everyone's faces or start shilling products. I did do a product review once because it's something I used and was pleased with. The payoff was free samples, so that was okay. Also, a few authors have sent me free books for featuring them. Again, I only did it because I liked them and the books. Many of us blog because we love it, not for financial gain (although that would be nice, too).

  3. WOW- 3 thousand views would make me fall over. I am not a frequent blogger like i use to be so its hard to expect people to be loyal. I am so appreciative for all my comments though. They're like presents.
