Sunday, August 7, 2016

Where is my Olympic Flame?

Where is my excitement over the Olympics?  Forget the Olympic flame where is that one spark of interest?  

When I was growing up the Olympics were a big deal. There are constants that remain. Athletes work hard. The Olympics are still the world's best athletes coming together to compete. It isa dream come true for the athletes.

It is also big business. The obvious coaches, training, and medical staff. The award process is business. Sponsorship of the games, athletes, events and venues is huge business. The broadcasting and commercials. 

One explanation for my missing excitement is that I missed the hype. I rarely watch television so obviously I miss the network hype. I work, have a life , have a family so yes I'm a bit busy so things like the Olympics get missed. Also the Olympics are so late in the summer. I have been worrying about the kids enjoying the last of summer before school starts. School starts insanely early like next week. 

Are you excited about the Olympics? Are you watching? If so what events are you excited about? Are you like me and the Olympics on the back burner or forgotten about completely? 

I will be back with a new post soon.


  1. I haven't been excited about the Olympics since the 1996 games were held in Atlanta. I didn't want them here.

  2. I'm not so enthused this year either. Not sure why. I did watch the opening ceremony. I've watched a bit, but I just don't seem to care. I guess it's just this year for me.
