Thursday, July 28, 2016

R.I.P David Beautiful Bald Eagle Jr

Sometimes kids play and dream of the great things they will be when they grow up. Things like being a War Hero, appearing on the silver screen in a hit movie, maybe a cowboy in a rodeo or an Indian Chief. (Native American Chief, kids weren't always politically correct.)

Then most kids grow up and live far more ordinary lives. However, I found out Chief David Beautiful Bald Eagle Jr passed away after 97 years of a Beautiful Life. I'm sure he had his struggles after all he was human.

In World War II he fought in Normandy where he was injured. I think that covers the War Hero part. He appeared in "Dances with Wolves." The movie won an Oscar and was pretty successful.

He was a Rodeo Cowboy and he became Chief. I guess you could say he lived a life of dreams.

I think after 97 years he deserves to rest in peace!


  1. I saw this someplace else. At least he had a good, long life. RIP
