Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Battle of the Bands Results: It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere!

I wanted to pay tribute to Guy Clark with my Battle of the Bands selection to start the month of June off. Many of you stated you liked the song "Boats to Build" which Guy Clark wrote.  I think I accomplished that goal.

The results weren't close. They were what you expect when you put two musical Superstars together on one selection and pit them against someone most of the world hasn't heard of on the other selection. I was hoping for a closer contest. There were some twists in the contest.

The one who fell a dozen votes short of victory, Jerry Jeff Walker is friends with Jimmy Buffett. He is also credited in influencing Jimmy on his version of the song. Still the vote was 12-2 in favor of Jimmy and Alan Jackson. But it was nice to share a deeper track from the Buffett catalog.

Speaking of Buffett and Alan Jackson, I think it's 5 o'clock somewhere...

Here is a deep track from a really cute movie, which I would love to find, called "Hoot." It really is a family friendly movie. Anyway the song is called "Barefootin"

I'll leave you with Jerry Jeff Walker and Jimmy Buffett performing a song they wrote together..

Hope you enjoy! More songs and artists coming up on the 15th!


  1. Jerry Jeff Walker was a big influence on Todd Snider, whom I've used in BOTB and who is, in my opinion, perhaps the 3rd best lyricist ever.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  2. Yippie, I picked the winner! Love all three songs you posted. Can't wait to see what captures your attention come June 15th!!!
