Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Battle of the Bands: Boats to Build

A new month a new battle. Welcome to my Battle of the Bands for June 1, 2016. Here are the rules: You pick the one you like best by casting your vote in the comments. I tally them up and I will announce the winner on the 7th. I encourage you to check out the other mighty Battles and if you want to join up details can be found here!

Guy Clark passed away about two weeks and I didn't get a chance to pay proper tribute on my blog. Summer time is here so perhaps this song will be a good choice.

The Source: Guy Clark

Contender One: Jimmy Buffett and Alan Jackson

Contender Two: Jerry Jeff Walker

Vote away in the comments and I will be back with the results soon!


  1. Both versions are very nice and I don't have any complaint against either. I don't recall ever having heard this song, but it's a good one to which I can relate.

    If I'm picking preference of one over the other then a slight edge goes to the version by Jimmy Buffet and Alan Jackson. The song suited their styles very well.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. MIKE ~
    Not a bad little ditty.

    I'm also gonna vote for BUFFET & JACKSON because, musically, it had a little more going on.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  3. I vote for Jimmy Buffet and Alan Jackson. They seem right for the song.


  4. Definitely Jimmy Buffet and Alan Jackson for me on this one. Their version just had more of a good feel to it...And good feel is something that I always experience when I hear Jimmy Buffet.

    Good battle.

    Michele at Angels Bark

  5. The second video didn't work, but I found an alternative. It's a live performance, though:

    My pick would be for Jimmy Buffett and Alan Jackson. Jimmy always sounds like he's having a good time. ☺

  6. Hi Mike!

    I actually enjoyed both versions. I may be the odd one out, but I the second one sounded a bit more crisp and clearer so I'm giving them my vote

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  7. Tough choice. Both are excellent contenders! In the end I think Jimmy Buffet's steel drums drew me in... vote for Jimmy & Alan.

  8. I like the first version with Jimmy Buffet and Alan Jackson, which surprises me because I've never been a Buffett or a country fan. But I really enjoyed it.

  9. Like a Parrothead in training, I prefer the Buffet/Jackson version. A great BOTB!

  10. Mike, Hmm, close call on this one for me, but I think I preferred Buffet and Jackson covering this song the best. Good battle!

  11. At first I thought I would go for Jimmy Buffet since I like the steel drums but Jerry Jeff Walker gets my vote. I think because it sounded less country to me which I prefer.

  12. Not heard this song before, but both versions were very enjoyable. I see that Buffet and Jackson already have a sizable lead. I'm afraid I'm not going to help narrow the gap. Buffet always sounds like he's having so much fun, and Jackson has such a smooth voice. They make a nice combo... boat building and/or singing.

  13. Hi, Mike!

    I haven't read the other comments or votes, but it seems like this battle should be close because the challengers are evenly matched, at least to my ears. Both covers of "Boats" stepped up the tempo and both do the song justice. The version by Jimmy and Alan has a dense, wall-of-sound arrangement with band instruments that, I believe, include a steel guitar. Version 2, by Jerry Jeff, has a cleaner, simpler arrangement with the vocals higher up in the mix. Both version work and I enjoyed them. I am a sucker for the Jimmy Buffet sound and therefore, by a slight edge, I give my vote to the recording by Jimmy and Alan.

    Thanks, Mike!

  14. Cool song pick, Mike! The second video didn't work for me, either, and—like Debbie—I found a live version to listen to, which may or may not sound as good as the one you posted... I did like it, and I agree with Birgit that there's something less country-ish about it, but I'm still going with Buffet & Jackson. Sorry, Jerry.
    Guilie @ Quiet Laughter
