Sunday, April 10, 2016

Battle of the Bands Results: Animal is a Monster

I am back announcing the winner of my April 1st Battle of the Bands. Due tot the A to Z Challenge I did push back the results day to  April 10, 2016.

Animal (Muppet).jpg Dave Grohl and Animal both claimed the other drummer won when they had their drum off. However, with my Battle of the Bands post Animal clearly won receiving 16 votes, while Dave only managed 4. Only one voter felt they tied.

Perhaps the name Animal belongs beside s the greats like John Bonham, Keith Moon, Charlie Watts, and Neil Peart to name a few.

Below Animal answers questions from Twitter on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon...

Animal is a Rock Star! Here he performs with The Roots on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon...

Animal performing with OK Go...on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno...

Stay tuned I will have another Battle of the Bands post on the 15th. Tomorrow the A to Z Challenge continues. I hope you enjoyed more from the winner Animal!


  1. Nice to see Animal won the challenge. Great post today. Love his performance with OK GO. they always do the best stuff.

  2. As you say, The Animal is an animal. Could there have been a different outcome?

  3. There's no question that Animal had to be the winner.
