Monday, April 18, 2016

A to Z Challenge 2016: O is for Osprey

Today I am going to post about one of my fishing buddies. Usually I fish with the Blue Herons which I have blogged about before.

Ospreys like to choose their spots wisely...

In a lot of areas they migrate, where I live they stay year round. Here is a video of ospreys in action..

They are fun to watch. Sometimes they make me a bit jealous when they fly by with their catch in their talons and I haven't even had a bite.


  1. I saw a video somewhere (Facebook) of a large bird grabbing a fish out of the water. The fish was so big that the bird had to swim it to shore by flapping its wings on the water. I had no idea they could even do that. But, the fish was too heavy for the bird to fly. It was pretty amazing. It took about three minutes for the bird to get the fish to shore, and it was pretty obvious that the bird was exhausted at the end. On the bright side, he got a big meal for his efforts.

  2. Hi, Mike!

    That osprey video was awesome! The first catch was a small fish in shallow water, which wasn't much of a challenge for the bird. The second amazed me because the osprey dropped like a rock in order to plunge a few feet through the water to the bottom and grab its prey. The third sequence was even more fantastic because the fish it caught was large and heavy and required lots of strength and stamina to haul ashore.

    Thanks, Mike!

  3. That is so cool. I love watching large birds capture their prey. Such an amazing sight.

  4. Maybe if you ask nicely, they'll share?

  5. It's amazing to watch predatory birds do this. How they can find such small prey from so high up is a miracle.

  6. Yeah. They must have really good eyes, to be in the sky and see the fish under water.

  7. I've always found it impressive how birds are able to catch fish. I guess some birds do have large talons.
