Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Thoughts on Brussels

It wasn't too long ago that I wrote a post about Paris now I write about Brussels. I send up prayers for the people of Brussels. I humbly offer them positive vibes.

If you did not hear there was an attack in Brussels that killed 34 and wounded about 200. I am sure the number that is mourning is greater.

I wish the senseless violence would end. I wish peace would flow throughout  the world.

The world is smaller, we are closer than ever. Today we share the grief of Brussels.


  1. I am so with you on this. Mike.

  2. I hate to say it, but I think part of what causes this senseless violence is the fact that the world is smaller. We all know too much about what everyone else is doing. We're so close that we are differences constantly rub shoulders and irritate. Once the problem was the age old one of fearing the unknown. Now it is familiarity breeds contempt. Throw in a loose screw or an ideology that condones violence and you have a school shooting, a terror attack or a random killing spree in a McDonald's. It's just sick and sad. My heart goes out to all who are suffering.
