Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Day Before the 2016 A to Z Challenge

No theme reveal here. Maybe one year. I just blog like I normally do accept I'll follow the A to Z format. It is all pretty much flying by the seat of my pants.

This time around the challenge appears more daunting to me. I've done the challenge each year starting back in 2011, so I know I can do it. Time is the battle for me. I know I will have at least 28 posts in April. Two Battle of the Band results and 26 A to Z posts. I know these posts will compete against time for work, time for family, time for other writing projects, time for other pursuits so time is the huge obstacle for the challenge. If you are doing the challenge what is your biggest obstacle?

If you want to join the insanity, I mean the fun you can still sign up here. The challenge has over 1700 bloggers signed up. I'm in there at #640. What's your number? I wonder how many will finish?

I do like the challenge of the challenge. I really enjoy meeting all the bloggers. I end up following a few more and some even follow me. The math with 1700 people doing 26 blog posts that is over 44,000 A to Z blog posts. I will only be able to visit so many.

Are you ready? Can you wait one more day? Thoughts on the challenge please share!


  1. Best of luck, Mike. See you at BOTB April 1st.

  2. The A-Z challenge IS fun.
    But as you say, it' can be daunting. Wishing you the best.
    I know I'll finish all mine, I've prewritten them. That should help out.

  3. Good luck Mike,
    This is my first time doing the A to Z challenge. It does look like fun.
    My biggest problem is that my home internet has been pretty much nonexistent for the last 3 weeks. It's been very hard to get online at all. My posts usually take some time to write and research, find photos, etc. I hope I can keep up.

  4. I did it one year. Fun, but since I blog pretty much every day anyway, the prompt only seems to confine me.
