Friday, March 11, 2016

R.I.P Keith Emerson

Being a classic rock artist today is a dangerous occupation now days. The world lost another one as Keith Emerson the keyboardist for Emerson, Lake and Palmer passed away at the age of 71.

This piece is a good place to start, it is one of my favorite Emerson, Lake and Palmer tunes. "Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends" well it ended today. It also includes "Guaranteed to blow your head apart" well Emerson had a gun shot wound to his head (possibly self inflicted.)

Here they are with "Lucky Man"..

Keith Emerson was known as one of the best keyboardists from the Prog Era.

Here he is with The Nice...

Here he is performing under his name...

The world lost another musician!


  1. I was shocked about Keith Emerson's suicide. Apparently he was depressed about having problems with his fingers and not being able to play properly anymore. :( Thanks for sharing these great memories. R.I.P. ♥

  2. He left behind quite a legacy of great music. What an influence he was!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out
