Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What are you giving up?

Mardi Gras came and went with Fat Tuesdays finale. So my question today is what are you giving up for Lent?

My first year in Florida I gave up winter coats. Last year I gave up soda but I cheated a little bit because I had already given up soda in January. One year I gave up fast food except for two restaurants. That did not go over well with my family because the restaurants that I selected were not their favorites. Having a family you need to consider The effect of what you're giving up on them.

This year I decided to give up hamburgers. Not ground beef but just regular hamburgers. It may be a challenge because they are going to open a five guys near me. Also a local burger place is planning to open up a new restaurant near me as well. And then I suppose the challenges are supposed to be a little tough.

Feel free to share what you're getting up in the comments. I will be back soon with a new post. Until then thanks for stopping by.


  1. You know I'm still not sure what to give up! I gave up fast food one year and I have not gone back much sense. Good luck for the next 40 days and see your blog again soon for the A to Z challenge!

    It Came From The Man Cave!

  2. I'm not giving anything up; instead, I've set a goal of reading 25 pages a day over and above all the blogs I read. I'm going to try and stay away from Facebook as well, only visiting it on Sundays (which aren't considered Lent).
