Thursday, February 4, 2016

January Reads

I stated in my New Year's Blog that I wanted to read more. As a way of keeping up with how I am doing on my quest I thought I would blog about it as I go. I'm an insecure reader. I never think I am well read, have read enough and the list could go on. Some of that might be from those darn lists I stumble on facebook. The truth is who cares!

I'm a horrible reader. I am not talking about my reading ability, my reading level, or comprehension. As a reader I am horrible. I will start a book and misplace it or get distracted and never come back and finish the book. I'm also a feat or famine type reader who has been known to binge read from time to time. I'm much better at buying books than reading them.

Well I set a goal of reading 26 books this year on Goodreads. I guess I had to set the bar slightly higher than 2 books a month or I was thinking of trying to pace myself by reading a book every two weeks.

The Word for World is Forest  is the first book I read this year. It was a thrift store find. I loved it being an old book more than the content. It was so old it even had cigarette advertisements in it. The book, a novella I suppose, was a science fiction work written by Ursula K. Le Guin. It won the 1976 Hugo Award for best science fiction novella. The U.S. Library of Congress named her a living legend and she has earned a bunch of other awards. The book did have some messages about humanity that I did catch. It was a good read.

My next book was "The World's Most Powerful Leadership Principle: How to Become a Servant Leader" by James C. Hunter. I have read a few books on leadership and I thoroughly enjoyed this one. It caught my attention and I really enjoyed reading it. The substance was great. I also enjoyed how he listed other books and authors though out the book. Not all of them were on leadership, some where on sociology, psychology and business which I jotted down to add to my want to read books. I will certainly seek out some of his other books to read as well.

Book covers...



I've dug in and started reading some more books in February so I should have an update soon on what else I have read. Until then happy reading!

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