Wednesday, January 13, 2016

If I won the powerball...

If I won the powerball I would be shocked!

I wouldn't take the lump sump and I would contact an accountant possibly a lawyer and come up with a plan.

I would pay off any debt or bills first. I would work to eliminate any stress.

A good chunk would go to helping the homeless and hungry. Donations made to other charities as well. I might even start a non-profit.

My kids wouldn't have to worry about education costs. I would let them chase their dreams.

I would take care of my parents and a few relatives on my wife's side.

I would employ a couple of close friends.

I would travel more. I would fish, but like the song goes buy a boat and a truck.

However the guy in front of me who spent $200 on tickets has a better chance of winning


  1. $200 on Powerball tickets?? Wow. I spent $15 and that was a waste. But it was fun being part of the excitement and envisioning the dreams that come along with a big win like that...

    Just stopped by from BOTB. It's early...

    PS: I didn't win either...

    Michele at Angels Bark

  2. That $200 guy might have a bigger chance than you of winning, but more accurately he has a bigger chance of losing. You can likely consider yourself a bigger winner today than he is.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. I would also travel, and donate to charity (homeless and wounded warrior being two of my passions). I only spent $4 on tickets though. Had that much in spare change.
