Thursday, January 21, 2016

Battle of the Bands Results: Sonics win!

A classic song "Louie, Louie" which has been covered numerous times opens up so many opportunities for a Battle of the Bands. This time I pitted the well known Kinks against their lesser known peers The Sonics.

The winners were The Sonics! They won solidly. Not a blowout, not a shut out, just a solid win for  the Sonics. 10 to 6 was  the final score.

The Sonics were influential to many bands including Nirvana, The White Stripes and others.

Here is something original from them called "Bad Betty"...

                                                Here is "The Witch" from 1965...


Thanks for voting the next Battle of the Bands will be February 1. Yes, I am inviting you back! Please come back and vote, comment, ad trivia and have fun! Feel free to visit back before then as well.

Thanks for visiting and exploring the sounds of The Sonics!


  1. Great contest, Mike! The Sonics had a wild, free-spirited garage rock style similar to other Pac-NW bands of the era including the Kingsmen and Paul Revere & the Raiders. The Sonics rip it up on "Betty," "Witch" and "Cinderella." I enjoyed them all!

  2. Okay - I voted for the Kinks... ouch! Thanks for the dose of Sonics here!

  3. I'm so sorry to have missed this battle, Mike. I actually do know the Sonics, have a few of their songs on my iPod and all... Great band. Glad they won (though I do love the Kinks, too ;) )

    See you in 2 weeks!
    Guilie @ Quiet Laughter

  4. Yes! Another winning vote for me. Fun BATTLE Mike. A real classic.

  5. Another winning vote! The Kinks weren't bad at all, but the Sonics definitely had a cool sound. I still like Paul Revere and the Raiders best, though! ☺

  6. The sonics did a great job with the song. I'm glad they won.

  7. It was close, but no cigar for me since I voted for the Kinks. That's okay--I don't smoke cigars anyway.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out
    Wrote By Rote

  8. Ek, sorry about missing this time! I'm digging these songs you posted. Sonics has a pretty cool sound :)

  9. I don't know what changed on your blog, but I can finally click on it and avoid the dreaded continuous wheel of load-death. Probably a user issue on my end. :-)
