Sunday, December 6, 2015

Farewell Ken Beatrice!

I've spent enough time listening to sports radio over the years. The personality that hooked me on sports radio was Ken Beatrice.

Ken Beatrice picture from the Washington Post.

Ken was a radio personality in the Washington D.C. area for over 20 years. His show was among the very first sports radio shows I listened to in my early teens. Ah to here him say "You're next" as he took sports questions from callers. Sure, he might talk over a caller. He might repeat something over and over to drive his point home. It was all part of his style. Ken Beatrice entertained.

Here is part one of a three part career spanning interview..

Here is a tribute to Ken when he retired in 2000 from The Washington City Paper. The article is fitting for a second read with his passing.

He was a sports talk innovator, pioneer, and one of the best sports show host I have listened to in my life time. No one in my opinion has come close.

Prayers and thoughts to his family  and may he rest in peace.

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