Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Battle of the Band Results: Runaway Loose Cattle

Tardy again! I do apologize if I missed your battle this go around. I will visit your results and battles. I'll do that because I really do enjoy all the other battles. Plugging off the computer more than plugging on lately.

Also thanks everyone for letting me know about the Captcha thing. I tried to fix it but  I think that was a fail. So I have gone to moderating the comments to see if that resolves it.

Loose Cattle were the winners almost by shut out. There was one saving grace. Maybe for New Year's I will try for a more competitive battle.

Here is some more Loose Cattle..."Tenth Grade"

Here they cover "Gasoline and Matches" by Buddy and Julie Miller. I have to say the winners have great taste in music..

Well I hope everyone enjoys the Holidays! I will have a new battle January 1.


  1. Mike, I picked the winner this time. :D YAY, me!! Well, it's been a funtastic BoTB year with you, my friend. I hope you and yours have a stupendous holiday celebration and a blessed 2016. Merry Christmas, Mike. May all of your dreams come true!

  2. I'm so glad Loose Cattle won. Those dogs cracked me up!
    Merry Christmas Mike!

    Michele at Angels Bark

  3. After this battle, now I'm hungry for cookies.

  4. Tardy - as in later than me? Who will be the latest for Jan. 1...?

    Wow - I voted for Loose Cattle, and I don't remember why. My notes are smudged over with peanut butter... yes, I'm serious. I snack while I listen.

    Have great holiday, Mike.

  5. See ya on New Year's Day, MIKE!
    Have a wonderful Christmas and a Safe New Year's Eve, Buddy.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  6. Picked another winner, yay! I guess that lessens the sting of my shut out battle by picking winners on everyone else :)

    Merry Christmas!
