Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Veterans Day A Simple Thank You

I've written plenty of Veterans Day posts in the past and they all give thanks to Veterans who deserve it for the job they do.

Veteran's Day is wrapping up. Really it should be an everyday thing. My Veteran's Day celebration started Monday. My daughter's school had a program for the Veteran's in the community. I live in a very big military community. 

My picture is a poster my daughter made to honor my Dad's service and that of other Veterans. Other students made handmade cards which they gave the Veterans. It was nice to see the community coming together to say thank you.

That day I was inspired and told one of my colleagues at work Thank You for your service since she was a Veteran and it made her day.

To those who have served and to those who are currently serving in the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, or reserves thank you for your service. 

Just a simple but heart felt Thank You!

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