Monday, November 30, 2015

Battle of the Bands: You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. I saw white stuff blowing across the road and huge drifts. I took a picture of it..

I guess winter is here! To get in the Holiday spirit I picked a joyful classic "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch." The rules are simple I pick a song and present a couple of bands battling it out with the song. You pick the one you like best by casting your vote in the comments. The why's and other comments are always welcomed.

Please check out the other battles:

 list of Battle of the Bands participants..

 I snagged it from STMcC Presents 'Battle of the Bands': 

@ ‘FAR AWAY SERIES’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'BOOK LOVER' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THIS BELLE ROCKS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'J.A. SCOTT' by clicking HERE.
@ 'NOVELBREWS' by clicking HERE
@ 'QUIET LAUGHTER' by clicking HERE

It's a win win really. They get another visit and they treat you with some more battles featuring cool songs, musicians and bands!

The original from 1966..

Fun facts it was originally sung by Thurl Ravenscroft, who was the voice for Tony The Tiger. The song was written by Dr. Suess and Albert Hague.

Challenger One: Jim Carrey

Challenger Two: Straight No Chaser

Vote in the comments! I'll be back soon with a new post. Now I don't know about Sea-sick crocodiles but me and Santa Gator have a lot of work to do before Christmas..


  1. Great photo Mike!

    I liked Jim Carey's version okay but I really enjoyed Straight, No Chaser's version. It was really different.
    Love to hate the Grinch. Fun battle!

    Michele at Angels Bark

  2. Straight No Chaser rubbed me the wrong way in the first few notes, but then immediately won me over. Very clever take on the song. A mighty vote for the originality of Straight No Chaser.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. Hmmm... Okay, so this one, for me, comes down to which is less annoying :) Carey's version felt like it was trying too hard, and the other one's Boyz-2-Men-style harmonizations got on my nerves from the get-go. What to do, what to do... Okay, Straight No Chaser is the one that produces less aggravation to my ears, haha.
    Guilie @ Quiet Laughter

  4. Ouch, Mike! I have always been partial to the Jim Carrey version. However, "Straight No Chaser" really stepped it up a notch. I think I could listen to it more. My vote goes to them.

    Meanwhile - it's time to get out "The Grinch" DVD! It's a tradition I look forward to every December.

    Killer snow photo!

  5. I vote for Straight No Chaser because I like that deep baritone voice. I also can't stand Jim Carrey. My blog is in the list of participants as WOMEN: WE SHALL OVERCOME. I've changed my title, so please update me to Janie Junebug Righting & Editing.


  6. Please give me the original:) The Straight No Chaser just irritated the hell out of me and sounded like any backstreet boy or one erection I mean, Direction song. The less irritating one, for me , was the Jim Carey version. My vote goes to Carey but I will always only play the original:)

  7. Love the gator photo! :) We haven't had any snow yet and in fact, it been much milder than normal. Yay!

    Nothing beats the original, IMO, but I couldn't even finish listening to the second one, so Jim Carrey gets my vote by default.

  8. The pictures are snow. Any snow or ice ad everything down here closes until it melts.

  9. This was an easy one for me. I'm not a Jim Carey fan under the best of circumstances and these were not them. (The only movie I liked Carey in was The Man In The Moon, which was a hard right turn from the "comedic" stuff he likes to do most of the time.) His comedy always seems way over the top to me, making it unfunny, and it turns out his singing evokes the same feeling in me. In contrast, I loved the cover by Straight No Chaser. That was EXCELLENT! Really enjoyed it. Thanks!

  10. Hi, Mike!

    I grew up in the 50s listening to the voice of Thurl Ravenscroft as Tony the Tiger. Your BOTB match-up with two versions of the Grinch song is a good way to kick-off the Christmas holiday season. I loved Jim Carrey when he was a regular on In Living Color but his shtick got old eventually and I am tired of hearing his voice. On the other hand I enjoyed version #2 performed by Straight No Chaser, the a cappella group from Indiana University. Their soulful treatment of the children's Christmas song is refreshing and sounded like Stevie Wonder. I vote for artist #2 - Straight No Chaser.

    Thanks, Mike!

  11. I can take or leave Jim Carrey. Sometimes he's so over the top I can't stand it, other times I find it funny. I liked him in Mask because the film was supposed to be zany (as opposed to the deadly serious comic). He was OK in Dumb and Dumber. I think his favourite film for me was the Truman Show.
    What does all that have to do with the battle? Not much, really.
    But his version of the song annoyed me for some reason. So I'll have to go with the Straight, No Chaser for this battle.

  12. I thought Jim Carrey's version was obnoxious. Straight, No Chaser for me.

  13. While Carrey's version is more familiar and somewhat nostalgic, Straight No ChSer really nailed this one. Give them my vote. Thanks for a fun BATTLE.

  14. I actually like Jim Carrey A LOT. He's made so many really entertaining movies. (Sheesh! I can't believe all the hate here!) I think the guy is pretty brilliant. The ONLY Carrey movie I've seen and disliked is 'GRINCH'. The whole idea for that movie was ill-conceived to begin with and it NEVER should have been made. (Someone really thought they could stretch a 30-minute cartoon into a 90-minute movie and improve on it? Nah. But they've been out of ideas in Hollyweird for a long time now.)

    'GRINCH' was the ONLY Jim Carrey movie I started but was unable to watch to the end, and his version of the song gives just an inkling as to why.

    On the other hand, the STRAIGHT, NO CHASER version was really unique and I enjoyed it a great deal.

    Good BOTB idea, MIKE. Please give my vote STRAIGHT away to NO CHASER.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  15. Giving my vote to Straight, No Chaser. Jim Carrey's version was a bit nostalgic for me, and it's great as it fits in the movie perfectly, but when it comes to just listening without the movie, Straight No Chaser is a bit more solid. Great Battle!

  16. Mike, Oh what fun! I liked the original absolutely the best, but I know I can't vote for that one. Straight No Chaser simply didn't do this classic justice. I felt Jim Carrey's theatrical voice was a better suit. So, kindly give my vote to Carrey! Have a very Merry Christmas!
