Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Remembering Robin Williams: One year Later

One year ago today the world lost the comedic legend and actor Robin Williams. You can read the tribute I wrote about him last year on my blog here. Hard to believe it was just a year ago time passes by so quickly.

Here is a clip from "Patch Adams"....

Obviously I am celebrating Robin Williams and his career and legacy that he left behind. Also trying to choose clips I didn't use last year to make the post a new celebration. Below are some clips from the film "Good Morning Vietnam."

A clip from "What Dreams May Come"....

I could continue since Robin Williams performed so many roles. What was your favorite Robin Williams role? Do you have a favorite bit? Do you have a Robin Williams memory? Feel free to share in the comments. Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoyed the clips as I remembered Robin Williams on my blog. I will be back soon with a new post!

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