Sunday, August 2, 2015

July 2015: Blog Milestones

Generally April is the month my blog gets the most page views. A lot of that can be contributed to the A to Z: Challenge I participate in during that month. One it is a blog hop and secondly it kind of forces you to post everyday. So it is a surprise when a month like last month the blog has the second most successful month ever from a page view standpoint.

I don't know the rhyme or reason of why this happened. Part of it is due to the Battle of the Band posts. Something I like to participate in. However, I like visiting the other sites on that as well. Sometimes I get turned onto a band or musician. Sometimes it fills in holes in my musical education. Most of the time it is a lot of fun.

I write about what I write about, things that interest me like music, theater, movies, sports and fishing. Sometimes I write about my life or things going on in the world. The blog isn't planned out in advanced. I can sometimes let you know what I am thinking about blogging about but what comes out might not be the same thing.

I'm thankful for all the visits last month. I guess it means I am writing about things my audience finds interesting. Thanks for the visits and I will continue to ramble into the future!


  1. I'm happy to know that your blog is catching fire, Mike. My page views have also spiked in the last couple of months. One thing I can tell you is that a music post always attract my attention because its the primary theme on my blog. Congratulations, Mike, and thank you for your continued support of SDMM!

  2. That's great. Who knows why things catch on how and when they do? They just do.
