Friday, July 10, 2015

Some me time and Big Red

A week later I come back to finish this post. Life is still pretty crazy. It has been a crazy week. Sunday I was out and about with a friend getting ready for the 4th of July when my boss called and asked if I wanted to work some overtime. So when I got back home I changed and went into work. I thought I would just do a couple of hours of work and then spend the evening at a fishing hole for some much needed me time. I was wrong the overtime lasted longer than I expected. Not that I am complaining.

The last time I went fishing had been a couple of weeks before and I went with my daughter. The fishing was slow. I was able to show her some big fish in the water, a couple of stingrays, and dolphins. Plus we caught some of the Blue Angels practice. I made some adjustments so she could catch some pin fish. Kids like to catch, so do I. I ended up catching some crabs.

Well my next journey out I checked with the family and they were heading out somewhere to eat. So, I responded okay I am going fishing for a while. Well it was already 10 PM so I decided I would try this new Wal-Mart Neighborhood store out and get some bait instead of going to the bait store. I managed to find the only Wal-Mart store in the area that doesn't sell bait. The fish had to eat something so I went to the seafood isle and found some frozen shrimp and whiting fillets.

I wanted to try night fishing at this spot I had fished before which was closer to home. I found it had been barricaded up so I couldn't park there. My plans were not going to well. So, I tried my normal place but the spot I wanted to fish was quite crowded. I fished a while and caught some fish nothing to brag about. A saltwater catfish, a couple of croakers, a grunt, and a few pin fish like my daughter is holding. My night of things going not as planned continued as I ended up getting snagged a couple of times at a place I never get snagged at. However, the scenery was beautiful..

Oh had my fishing buddies drop in throughout the night and towards dawn..

Finally I got to my spot. I also kept one of the pinfish I caught and was using it for bait. Once I was at my spot something decided it wanted pinfish for breakfast!

I ended up catching a nice size Red Fish (red drum). He ended up being put back in the water to swim away and I ended up packing up to head back home. After all I had a growing list of things I had to take care of at home and at some point catch a little sleep.

1 comment:

  1. There's something very refreshing about being out under God's Heaven all by yourself. Glad you managed to steal away your "me" time, Mike!
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead
