Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Johnny Cash winner of the Battle of the Bands

I know I didn't vote. I rarely vote on my own Battle of the Bands unless it is a tie or the battle is already decided I may cast my vote. Some may feel I should vote but I get to pick the song and the match up. I enjoy letting the audience pick the winner.

The winner article is something I picked up a while after I started with the BOTBs. I kind of like the follow up article it gives me a chance to share some more music. Sharing music is something I do a lot on my blog.

As my title indicates Johnny Cash won this Battle of the Bands challenge against the Charlie Daniels Band. However it was a nail biter the final score being 9 to 8. Every vote counts here! So please vote when you visit my Battle of the Bands. Don't jump on a band wagon when you vote. The voting sometimes gets very streaky.

Here are both of my contestants with a version of "The Devil Went Down to Georgia"

As a bonus track here is Johnny Cash with "Walk the Line"..

Please share your thoughts on my Battle of the Bands and Johnny Cash. I can't wait to see  the results from the other Battle of the Bands participants! 


  1. So of course I'm curious, Mike. Which version would you have selected, had you been voting? ☺ Any excuse for posting music is a good one in my opinion. Music = Life, as the saying goes. Cheers!

  2. Shoot! Sorry I missed your battle and wasn't able to vote. I love any and all things Johnny Cash. Like I'm kind of obsessed with him, Willie Nelson and Waylon. Can never get enough of them. Charlie Daniels though is such an original and he is a fantastic performer. That would have been a tough battle.

  3. I just woke up from my nap to discover Johnny Cash won the battle. Well, I kind of thought he would. Oh well, better luck for me next time.
    (I always play a game, how many of my votes helped determine a winner).
    As for the results posting, I agree with you. I'm starting to enjoy it and have a bit of fun with it.
    You always have some great battles, looking forward to the next one.

  4. Johnny Cash really ruled country for years, but I kinda think he has a new following of young people (especially since the "Hurt" video). I wasn't surprised at this win! Good job!
