Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Battle of the Bands Winner: Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong won my battle of the bands competition against Billie Holiday 13 to 3. I knew whoever won this "Summertime" battle would provide some great music on my winners post.

Here they perform "Cheek to Cheek"

"Dream a Little Dream of Me"

"Learnin' the Blues"..

Do you have any favorite songs performed by Ella or Louis separate or solo? Any memories? Feel free to share in the comments. I will be back on the 15th with a Battle of the Bands marking my one year anniversary  participating in the BOTBs. 


  1. I would have expected this to be a tighter contest than it turned out though my favorite was Louis and Ella. I've liked most of the stuff they do as solo artists or together.

    Good contest.

    Tossing It Out

  2. Uh-oh, my choice lost - but hey - that's the way it goes. Thanks for the music, smile.

  3. Three cheers for Satchmo!! Ella is the Queen. Great battle, my friend!

  4. Hey Mike, Just a reminder that I'll be at camp during the next battle and largely unplugged, so I probably won't be voting on the next one. But wishing all you BoTBers well!

  5. Sorry I missed this battle! Billie Holiday had a very unique voice and style that I can appreciate, but overall, I'll take Ella's version of most anything, any day of the week. And Louie! I love La Vie Un Rose!
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  6. Louis and Ella are so great together! ☺ Billie Holiday was good too, but I'm glad my choice won.

  7. Yay! Another one where I picked the winner, but in this case, both versions were great, so either way it was a win/win.

    Always glad to listen to more Ella and Satch!

  8. Congrats on the year anniversary coming up.
    I'm on a streak this week. Helping decide a number of victories so far.
