Monday, June 29, 2015

Lowell George

Lowell George passed away at the age of 34 from a heart attack in 1979. Lowell George was a guitarist, vocalist and songwriter for the group Little Feat. Remembering him today is a perfect excuse to share some music.

Here is a solo song "Twenty Million Things"

Probably the song he and perhaps Little Feat is best known for.."Willin'"

Of course there isa "Fat Man in the Bath Tub"

What's your favorite Little Feat song? Any Lowell George memories? Feel free to share

How about "Heartache" with Linda Ronstadt

I will be back soon with a new post enjoy the music!


  1. Hi Mike! Twenty Million Things is a great song - lots of memories! Funny, I was looking over Little Feat yesterday regarding BOTB. Love "Willin," always have. The instrumentals on "Fat Man" have been a favorite too. I don't know "Heartache" with Linda Ronstadt. Not bad, but not my favorite song. Blues and ballads - that's what I think of when I hear Lowell George's name. Nice tribute.

  2. Yes I like Little Feat a lot coolest when I was able to interview Bill Payne.

  3. WOW, he was really young when he died! I'm not sure that I remember him or his music, but I sure do dig his sound. So....I can't say what's my favorite number since I'm having trouble placing him in my musical memories. :(
