Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Happy Birthday Jeff Beck!

What a week for musical birthdays! Yesterday I celebrated Robert Hunter's birthday who contributed to so much music through the words he penned for them. Today I celebrate a guitarist who contributes so much to music through the notes he plays, Jeff Beck,

I celebrated his 69th birthday with this post last year. More music there, I will try to do a no repeat post here.

This cover of Sam Cooke tune is very appropriate for these times as well..

How about this version of "Because we ended as Lovers"

Lets go way back to The Yardbirds with "Heart Full of Soul"

A lot of music scanning six decades. What are your favorite Jeff Beck tunes, riffs,groups?


  1. I had a bunch of his albums: Beck-Ola, Blow By Blow, Wired, Jeff Beck's Guitar Shop, Rough and Ready. I wasn't real good about song titles, though; I had them on tape and never had the cassette box close by. I'd just put them on while I was reading. "Cause We've Ended As Lovers" is always a beautiful tune, and I really liked the version you shared with Tal Wilkenfeld. I'd never heard of her before this evening, and she just plays beautifully. You could see Beck really enjoyed her playing, too. Since I no longer have my vinyl or cassettes, I think I'll have to listen to the full albums on YouTube, soon...

  2. Tal is awesome I saw her perform with him tour and the interaction was great.
