Friday, May 15, 2015

Battle of the Bands: Hummingbird in honor of BB

I had something totally different planned out for this battle of the bands. Then I heard the news of BB King passing. Which changed everything.  This is my second post dedicated to BB King.
Regular rules, listen to the song clips in the blog post. In the comment section vote for the one you like the best. Feel free to explain why you voted the way you did. The battles take place on the first and 15th and winners will be announced on the 7th and 21st. I will normally post the winner in the comments. Of course have fun and enjoy!

The below list is edited to welcome some new battles and unfortunately some battles have taken a break. If you are still looking for more musical fun after you vote, you can check out these sites for more battles:

Please check out my friends above, they post some pretty neat stuff! 

The Original, BB King. This version is note in the contest...

Challenger One: Leon Russell

Challenger Two: Jimmy Page

Please feel free to vote in the comment. Again it is Leon Russell versus Jimmy Page. Of course may BB King rest in peace...


  1. Hi, Mike! Those headlines popped out at me first thing this morning. The world has lost another music pioneer, blues legend B.B. King. Last October I was sad to read that BB was forced to halt a live show due to illness. He never bounced back. I applaud you for scrambling to produce a BOTB post in his memory.

    Leon does a fine job with his rendition of "Hummingbird," but I am a big fan of Led Zep and prefer British blues man Jimmy Page's interpretation. Jimmy gets my vote.

    Thanks again for shifting gears to salute B.B. King, good buddy Mike. Have a great weekend!

  2. Mike, it was sad to hear about B.B. King passing. My vote is going to Leon Russell because I loved the music arrangement and vocals. I felt Russell's passion and the over-all sense of the song gave me the same feeling as B.B. King's track. Nice battle!

  3. Shady I have your vote for Jimmy Page. He introduced me to this beautiful song. I agree with you about Leon. After I posted these versions I listened to a live version from BB in the 70s and was hlown away.

  4. Cathy I have your vote for Leon. Those are the reasons I would vote for a song as well.

  5. Hi Mike. I wanted to first introduce myself: I'm a new BOTB participant and I'm looking forward to hanging with you all.
    What a sad morning, hearing about BB King. Such a huge loss. R.I.P. BB!
    As for your particular battle, I'm going to have to go with Jimmy Page. I'm a Led Zeppelin fan and I just liked his version better.
    Come on over and see me when you have a chance...
    Michele at Angels Bark

  6. Michelle welcome! I have your vote for Jimmy Page. I am a big Led Zeppelin fan as well.

  7. RIP B.B.King! They'll never be another. Great tribute post.

    Tippin' the hat to both versions and it is a close call. My vote is going to Leon Russell; I like a little funk in my music.

  8. As soon as I started listening to the version by BB I knew this had to be a song written by Leon since it has his style all over it. Over course I have the Leon album so I've heard the song many times but just didn't remember it right off.

    I really like the Jimmy Page version which puts me in mind of something by Robin Trower. It's a great sound.

    But in the end I have to give the vote to Leon Russell for his wistful version. It's his song in more ways than one.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Road trippin' with A to Z
    Tossing It Out

  9. Hi Mike;
    Such sad news about B.B. King. :( May he R.I.P. ♥
    As for the choices here, I'm another huge Led Zep fan and have to go with Jimmy Paige and his great guitar riffs!
    BTW, This is my first time participating in BOTB. Come on over to The Doglady's Den and check it out. Thanks.

  10. This was close for me.

    I'm voting for Jimmy Page. I "felt it" more on this listening. It could all be different tomorrow;)

  11. A tough choice; but I think I liked Paige just a bit better. Easier on the ear :)

    The world will miss BB King.

    How come everything I click here takes me to some MySpace site thingy? Took me about 4 tries to get through this. Sheesh, I hope blogger isn't throwing another weird glitch at us.

    Have a good weekend Mike.

  12. Cherdo and Arlee I have you down for Leon. Robin and Dolorah I have you down for Jimmy.

  13. Debbie welcome to the Battle of the Bands! I will add you to the list. I have your vote for Page.

  14. MIKE ~
    A very nice tribute to Blues Boy, and an interesting (in a good way) match-up for BOTB.

    I LOVED the Leon Russell recording. That was some funky and soulful shi-- stuffs!

    The Jimmy Page cover was a bit too heavy-handed. (But then subtlety has never been Page's forte, has it?)

    Easy vote for LEON from me.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  15. Stephen I have you down for Leon. This is a close battle.

  16. Nice tribute to BB King! Such a following he had; shoot, even my great-grandma like him!
    I honestly hadn't heard that song before but it made me think of Leon before I heard his rendition!
    However, gotta give it to Jimmy Page for vocals and guitar.

    1. Diedre Knight thanks for visiting I have your vote down for Jimmy Page.

  17. Hi Mike, taking my time getting around to all the BATTLES this go round. Kudos to you for scrambling and changing up your BATTLE to include this fine tribute to BB King. I was commenting to STMcC that I wonder what it will be like in another 50-60 years when some of the younger musicians of today start dying off, will people think they were as great as the likes of BB. I tend to think not, but that just might be my generation showing.

    I had never heard BB perform 'Hummingbird' before and his rendition was spetacular, but of course we're not voting fr him.

    Jimmy was interesting, but I think you know I'm a big Leon Russell fan. I heard him perform this one live, just a few weeks ago and it was wonderful. Leon gets my vote, hands down.

    Great BATTLE, Mike.

  18. Loved the Jimmy Page version. His guitar and rendering of this song just raised the bar big time way ahead of the other guy so my vote goes to Page

  19. First, let me give you my vote - I vote for Jimmy Page. His rendition just feels more bluesy than Leon Russell's. They were both good, but my final vote goes to Jimmy.

    And.. I have news! The boss man has given me the blessing of being able to sit at the cool kids table. My first battle will be June 1. So, if you want to add my name to your list of participants - I'd like that.

    Mary @ Jingle Jangle Jungle

  20. Mike, I can Led, or unleaded at this point... the music on both is great. But this is Leon's, heart and soul. My vote goes to Leon. Great battle, Mike.

    [I also liked that BB tribute you did a couple of days back. That rocked!!]

  21. I'm going with Leon Russell. Jimmy Page doesn't sound right doing this one.

    1. John I have your vote for Leon. Jimmy was my introduction to this song.
