Friday, May 1, 2015

Battle of the Bands #18: Time is on my Side

 I dedicate this blog post to Dixie over at DC Relief. She commented on one of my recent A to Z: Challenge post "New Orlean's Jazz fest? I know you brought souvenirs... waiting."'

Here is a souvenir, the Soul Queen of New Orleans Irma Thomas on stage with her band.

Regular rules, listen to the song clips in the blog post. In the comment section vote for the one you like the best. Feel free to explain why you voted the way you did. The battles take place on the first and 15th and winners will be announced on the 7th and 21st. I will normally post the winner in the comments. Of course have fun and enjoy!

The below list is edited to welcome some new battles and unfortunately some battles have taken a break. If you are still looking for more musical fun after you vote, you can check out these sites for more battles:

Tossing it Out


 StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands


 'Curious as a Cathy'

DC Relief Battle of the Bands

Now playing:

Shady Dell Music & Memories

Please check out my friends above, they post some pretty neat stuff! 

One of the highlights of Jazz Fest this year was hearing Irma Thomas sing "Time is on my Side."
She recorded the song early in 1964 and the Rolling Stones recorded the song later that year. The song was originally written by Norman Meade and recorded by a jazz saxophone player by the name of Kai Winding. Lyrics were tweaked by Jimmy Norman which shaped it into the classic we know today.

The Original: Kai Winding

Challenger One: Irma Thomas

Challenger Two: The Rolling Stones

Usually I say the original is off limits. However, since all three versions are so different. Vote for the one you like best. Vote away in the comments. I hope you enjoyed this Battle of the Bands and stop in on the 15th for another battle!


  1. Hi, Mike! Wow, how lucky you were to see and hear Irma Thomas, "The Soul Queen of New Orleans," at the Jazz Fest! "Time Is On My Side" is a great song that was written by one of Philly's Phinest, Jerry "Rags" Ragovoy, using the pseudonym Norman Meade. Ragovoy was a gifted record producer who specialized in gospel-drenched soul. Several of the records Ragovoy produced were popular at the Shady Dell when I went there in the mid 60s, including singles by Garnet Mimms and Erma Franklin, and I have featured his work on SDMM many times.

    It was very exciting for me to hear Kai Winding's original version of "Time Is On My Side" for the first time. The combination of jazz sax and soulful, churchy backing vocals provided by Cissy Houston, Dionne Warwick and her sister Dee Dee Warwick, is inspired. The version by Irma Thomas was released (hidden away and wasted) as the B side of "Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand)" a single that charted only on the R&B survey. Nearly everybody who was born more than 5 minutes ago knows the hit cover by the Stones.

    I was all set to vote for the Irma Thomas version, Mike, but now that I've heard this jazz-soul hybrid made by Kai Winding, I'm voting for his original. Thanks, good buddy!

    1. Shady Del Knight welcome to the BOTB. Your posts and comments are painting quite a picture of the Shady Dell in my mind. Love your comments, they are always knowledgeable and welcomed.

  2. Well, let me start off by saying this is one of my favorite songs. I got an education here as I always thought it was an original by the Stones, but back when this song ingrained itself into my musical mind, I wasn't paying that much attention to songwriters and such.

    The versions all have a lot of similarity. The Irma Thomas version is fine for what it is, but it sounds somewhat dated in the delivery style. And not a big fan of Thomas's vocal style.

    I've gotta go with the version by the Stones that I know best. I prefer Mick's vocal style and I like the crisp simple tones of the band. This is a Stones classic that I don't think anyone else can top. It may have started as Kai's song, but The Stones own it.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Join us on May 4 with your post of Reflections about this year's A to Z.
    Tossing It Out

    1. As a Stones fan myself I can't fault you for voting for the Rolling Stones. Thanks so much for voting.

  3. You can tell the Stones were influenced by Irma Thomas's version of the song. But, I just gotta go with Kai Winding's trombone version of this one.

  4. MIKE ~
    I was certainly familiar with KAI WINDING, but I'd never heard this original recording of 'TIME IS ON MY SIDE' before.

    I listened to it and the Irma Thomas version, but didn't even need to play The Stones because I've heard their version hundreds of times (and there was NO WAY they would be getting my vote).

    In the end, the horns win!

    Also, I should have mentioned, MIKE, that Shady Del Knight is now a BOTBer too, so if you would add a link to his blog on your BOTB pages it would be appreciated.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  5. Something about a trombone just makes me want to strip, and do a sexy strut, lol. And Irma sure has an awesome bluesy sound. Liked them both, they would compliment separate moods.

    My vote goes to the Stones though. Steely and laid back, just perfect for the heat wave (near 90 and bound to get worse) in my area. Gads, I need an air conditioner.

    Have a good weekend Mike. I did not post today, but plan to on the 15th.

  6. Wow, Mike, this is one S-M-O-K-I-N' BOTB. I have to admit that I enjoyed all three versions. Of course, I'm most familiar with the version by the Stones and really didn't know they were not the originals.

    I'm a bit confused here as to who we are supposed to be voting for, but in my case, that's not unusual. If the original by Kai Winding is up for the vote the he gets mine. That trombone is EXCITING!

    But, if you intended this to be a contest between Irma and the Stones, I gotta apologize to Mick and the Boys, because then I vote Irma with her jazzy, bluesy version.

  7. Farawayeyes, I broke protocol this time around and let all three in the competition. They were all different and not that long.

    Dolorah look forward to yours on the 15th! Stay cool.

    Stephen I'll be glad to add him! Looking forward to his posts.

  8. Hi Mike. Thanks for the shoutout and souvenir! Love this battle. Now I need to make it to that festival, (smile).

    Stones just got knocked outta sight. Holy moly, the Queen sings her heart out. I suspect The Stones might have been a cover of her(?). But Mike, that version by Kai Winding takes my breath. Good gosh! Thanks for including him in the vote. Jazz-energy with a slow grind. It doesn't get any better. Those background vocals are as much instruments as are his horns. I'd never heard his or Irma's versions before... but they'll be added to my list!!

    [Secretly I'm glad this had nothing to do with the 'Violent Femmes.']

  9. Dixie yes you need to make that festival. I'm sure Irma's version influenced the Stones. Glad you enjoyed the songs!

  10. My favourite is Irma Thomas. I was expecting to say the Rolling Stones but I love her take on it. Actually the Rolling Stones would be 3rd!

  11. This is old title, but I didn't recognize the original or the first contender. It wasn't until I heard the Stone's cut that the light in the attic went on. lol That being said, I guess you know who's getting my vote. Yep, that's right, The Rolling Stones! Thanks for sharing a retro classic, Mike!

  12. I think this may be your toughest battle yet. I listened to all three of them once. Then I started and stopped all three intermittently.

    As I listened to each one, I really liked it. In other words, all three are totally enjoyable. Different and enjoyable.

    There was a time when I would've thought the Kai original was boring. I think I've learned a lot from these battles, because I don't think so any longer. There was also a time (ten minutes ago?) when I never would have guessed that a trombone made a good solo instrument. I understood the allure of the trumpet and sax. But the trombone??? And yet, Kai does a masterful job with it.

    Irma's version is all soul. And that is sweet, sweet stuff. I read Mr. Shady's comment about it being a B-side. So many incredible songs were on the B-side.

    I knew The Rolling Stones version of this song (and thought it the original until this post). I still like it very much. They took a jazz song, turned soul song, and turned it into a rock song.

    Honestly, I'd like to vote for all of them. They are all worthy.

    Color me surprised but I'm going to vote for Kai and his amazing trombone (and Cissy Houston, Dionne and Dee Dee Warwick). I'm not sure I would've liked it so much without the girls lending their talent to this song. They were outstanding, too.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Robin the trombone is still big. Cathy and Birgit great votes.
