Thursday, April 30, 2015

A to Z Challenge: ZZ Top

I am ending the challenge with a little Rock and Roll band from Texas. I hope everyone enjoyed the challenge.

Here they are with "Gimme All Your Lovin'"...

I think during the challenge we all wanted a little love for our blogs. Did your blog get the love you were looking for?

This song I am dedicating to Joanne's Word Splash who did a Texas theme during the challenge.

Her L selection was on LaGrange visit it if you would like. I dedicate the next one to all the ladies. I heard this is what you like?

What is your favorite ZZ Top song? What is your favorite ZZ Top Z
Memory? Please share in the comments.

I will leave you with this treat. The late great blues man John Lee Hooker with ZZ Top performing "Boom Boom."

Thanks for visiting I hope you enjoyed!


  1. Hi, Mike! There's no cooler way for you to end the A to Z than with ZZ Top! It's funny how fans of the band are divided into two camps. Remember how it was with Elvis? Half the fans preferred the old Elvis of the 50s and the other half preferred the jumpsuit clad Elvis who reinvented himself and made a huge comeback in the late 60s and early 70s. I have found that fans of ZZ top are also sharply divided. There are purists who insist the band was at its best in the early years and that they sold out to MTV. Those fans dismiss iconic songs and videos like "Gimme All Your Lovin," "Got Me Under Pressure," "Sharp Dressed Man" and "Legs," all of which I happen to love. My tastes are eclectic and I enjoy ZZ Top just as much when they stick to their blues roots as they do on "La Grange' and "Boom Boom." (Eric Burdon and the Animals also recorded a fine rendition of "Boom Boom.")

    Congratulations on completing the A to Z, Mike, and finishing in style with one of my favorite bands, ZZ Top!

  2. Shady glad you enjoyed! I can understand with the purists. Eclectic tastes are always welcomed here! I enjoy your comments thans so much for visiting.

  3. Can't go wrong with ZZ Top - I always liked Sharp Dressed Man. thanks very much for the shout out and support. It's been a fun A to Z journey

  4. Love ZZ Top _ everything.
    Congratulations on crossing the A-Z finish line

  5. Some good tunes, Mike! I mentioned ZZ Top today. But only to make my way to my real post. They are a cool band.
    ~ We made it!!! ~
    Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
    with the A to Z Challenge

  6. Hey Mike, I too love ZZ Top, saw these old guys in person a few years back and they are as fantastic on stage at the podunk Eastern Idaho State Fair as any recording. Great choice to finish up the A to Z.

  7. farawayeyes ZZ Top are always a fun time. I have seen them 3 or 4 times over the last three decades.

  8. A rocking way to end A to Z! Well done and hope to see you again for next year's event.

    Stephen Tremp
    A to Z Co-host
    Z is for Zombie
