Saturday, April 18, 2015

A to Z Challenge: Percy Sledge

I would have done this post earlier if it wasn't for the challenge. However, a few days late might be a better way to show tribute to a great singer.

The 74 year old musical legend passed away April 14, 2015. He has been inducted into the Alabama Music Hall of Fame, Louisiana Music Hall of Fame, Carolina Beach Music Hall of Fame and the Rock and roll Hall of Fame. He is also honored in the Delta Music Museum. Percy was a Pioneer Award Recipient from the Rhythm and Blues Foundation and his album Blues Night won a Blues Music Award for Best Blues/Soul album

He is best known for this song..

Here is a news clip about his death..

This song from 1974 was probably his last hit called "I'll Be Your Everything"

His songs had some great advice like "Take Time to Know Her"

I know I have a lot of music fans who visit my blog what are your favorite Percy Sledge songs? Do you have any Percy memories? Please feel free to leave comments.

Percy Sledge certainly will be missed. He had a voice that won't be replaced. His songs will live on.
Thanks for visiting and I will continue on with the A to Z Challenge on Monday!


  1. So many great Percy tunes! And he and Otis Redding had a habit of doing each other's tunes and/or both of them doing their own versions of other people's tunes. My favs, are probably the two you mentioned and "It Tears Me Up".
    Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
    with the A to Z Challenge

  2. Mike I enjoyed all the ones you featured, thanks. Also liked:
    My Special Prayer
    Bring It on Home to Me
    You Really Got a Hold on Me

    But the all-time favorite is...
    First You Cry (!994, I think)

    Thanks, great tribute post and "P" day.

  3. Hi, Mike! Thanks for paying tribute to Percy Sledge, another music great who left us too soon. I certainly do have memories of Percy. His signature song, "When a Man Loves a Woman," was one of the most popular slow dance records of the mid 60s at my juke joint hangout the Shady Dell. The cautionary "Take Time To Know Her" brings back memories of a girl that I dated for a while and thought was "the one." She ended up cheating on me "there she was, kissin' on another man," and I got my teenage heart broken. I never heard "I'll Be Your Everything" before. Percy delivers a heartfelt, emotion charged ballad reminiscent of his chart topping hit of the previous decade and I appreciated the soulful backing singers.

    I have a special 3-part series coming up in June, Mike, and I hope you'll be on hand for it. It revolves around Percy Sledge and that's all I can reveal about it at this time.

    Thank you again, Mike, for saluting sweet soul balladeer Percy Sledge, a major contributor to the soundtrack of my youth.

  4. I had not heard this. What a nice tribute.

  5. Good on you for doing a timely tribute to such a great man! I know those songs well.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. :) History Sleuth's Writing local history - Blogging A-Z

  6. Percy was a great artist. I have a couple of his albums on CD. He put out a wonderful one in the 90's.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out
